Leigh Gibbens has a professional background in administration, event and project management, computer science and electrical engineering. She is a long-time cycling advocate and cyclist who has been a cycle-tourist in most Australian states, as well as Europe and Britain. She was the Event Planning and Operations Coordinator and the Route Manager for the NSW Big Ride 2007. Leigh also has a long-time interest in environmental protection and environmental sustainability. Leigh has been associated with the Stockrington area since the 1980s and has been familiar with the Richmond Vale Rail Trail region from the time when the steam train carried coal from Stockrington No 2 Colliery to Hexham. |
Terry Lewin has resided in Black Hill for the past 36 years, on a small rural property on the eastern side of the Buttai Valley. He has contributed to local community and environment protection groups for most of that time, assisting in the preparation of a broad range of submissions (e.g., about: gravel quarry and coal mine proposals; transport, waste management, and light-industrial proposals; landcare and catchment issues; Local Environment and Regional Plans; and associated government proposals). Terry has been a representative on several Community Consultative Committees (CCCs), including Daracon’s Buttai Quarry, Black Hill Quarry, and the Abel underground coal mine, together with associated welfare and conservation trusts, such as the Donaldson Conservation Trust (DCT). As a consequence of these various community-based activities, Terry has a broad knowledge of the RVRT and its regional context. Professionally, Terry is a retired Research Psychologist, with 45 years active involvement in psychosocial and mental health research (and over 200 publications); he is also a Conjoint Associate Professor in the School of Medicine and Public Health at the University of Newcastle. |
Alec Roberts is an experienced project manager, community renewable energy advocate and the current chair of CLEANaS (Clean Energy Association of Newcastle and Surrounds). CLEANaS is a not-for-profit community energy association that aims to drive the uptake of renewable energy generation technologies in Newcastle and surrounds through developing projects for community funded renewable energy installations and by running events and initiatives to educate members and the public about the opportunities that exist in participating in clean energy. In the role of a project officer at University of Newcastle School of Environmental and Life Sciences, Alec develops and manages content on environmental sustainability across media platforms – website, e-newsletter, and social media. Alec also coordinates events, forums and conferences. Committees that Alec Roberts is a member of: